15 Composizioni da Camera, Vincenzo Bellini, high voice & piano

15 Composizioni da Camera, Vincenzo Bellini, high voice & piano songbook
$24.99 U.S.$
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15 Composizioni da Camera, Vincenzo Bellini, high voice & piano songbook

1997 Ricordi

79 pages

Condition: Better Than New

As seen in scans, this book has been rebound with Tredwell's own Snake-Coil Plastic Binding for greater durability and stay flat ease of use - a boon for performing/rehearsing musicians

There may be cheaper copies of this book elsewhere but you have found the best one here

                                 .....a book of this thickness is unuseable on music stands/ piano ledges without Tredwell's Snake-Coil Binding

                                                                          .....not "like" new - much better than new!