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Shama Lama Ding Dong, from movie "Animal House", Mark Davis, pdf copy

Shama Lama Ding Dong, from movie "Animal House", Mark Davis, pdf copy

Ship of Fools, movie title song, Ned Washington & Ernest Gold

Ship of Fools, movie title song, Ned Washington & Ernest Gold, sheet music/songbook

Shuffle Off to Buffalo, from "42nd St.", Al Dubin & Harry Warren

Shuffle Off to Buffalo, from "42nd St.", Al Dubin & Harry Warren, sheet music, out of print

Skiddle Diddle Dee-Skiddle Diddle Dey, from cartoon "Herman and Katnip", Hal David & Leon Carr

Skiddle Diddle Dee-Skiddle Diddle Dey, from cartoon "Herman and Katnip", Hal David & Leon Carr, sheet music/songbook

Slap That Bass, from movie "Shall We Dance", George & Ira Gershwin, performed by Fred Astaire

Slap That Bass, from movie "Shall We Dance", George & Ira Gershwin, performed by Fred Astaire, sheet music, out of print

Sleep Safe and Warm, from movie "Rosemary's Baby", Larry Kusik/ Eddie Snyder/ Christopher Komeda, recorded by Mia Farrow, pdf copy

Sleep Safe and Warm, from movie "Rosemary's Baby", Larry Kusik/ Eddie Snyder/ Christopher Komeda, recorded by Mia Farrow, pdf copy - to be processed & e-mailed within 48 hours of receipt of order