Silence on the Line, Sterling Whipple, recorded by T. G. SheppardSilence on the Line, Sterling Whipple, recorded by T. G. Sheppard, pdf copy

Silence on the Line, Sterling Whipple, recorded by T. G. Sheppard, Silence on the Line, Sterling Whipple, recorded by T. G. Sheppard, pdf copy - to be processed & e-mailed within 48 hours of receipt of order
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$12.00 U.S.$
  • Click thumbnails for cover & contents of book containing this song

Silence on the Line, Sterling Whipple, recorded by T. G. Sheppard, pdf copy - to be processed & e-mailed within 48 hours of receipt of order

1976 Tree Publishing

3 pages of music

Music will be custom scanned & e-mailed within 48 hours of receipt of order

This out of print song is not available on download sites but is found here in the discontinued/collectible book, "T. G. Sheppard Songbook" shown above - to order the complete book please use the following link: