Tender Love, from movie "Krush Groove", James Harris III & Terry Lewis, recorded by Force M. D.'s

Tender Love, from movie "Krush Groove", James Harris III & Terry Lewis, recorded by Force M. D.'s, pdf copy
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$12.00 U.S.$


this is not an original edition - it is a high quality, full colour reprint of the original, printed on top grade paper - price has been adjusted accordingly

  • Click thumbnails for cover & contents of book containing this song

Tender Love, from movie "Krush Groove", James Harris III & Terry Lewis, recorded by Force M. D.'s, pdf copy

1985 Warner Bros

6 pages of music

This out of print song is not available on download sites but is found here in the discontinued/collectible book, "Top Hits of 1986 Volume 1" shown above - to order the complete book please use the following link:
