The Musical Adventures of Jack and Jill, Sigmund Spaeth

The Musical Adventures of Jack and Jill, Sigmund Spaeth, songbook
$29.99 U.S.$
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The Musical Adventures of Jack and Jill, Sigmund Spaeth, songbook

1926 Simon & Schuster

This time-honored nursery rhyme is given various musical treatments:

1) Oratorio (see thumbnail)    2) Schubert Version    3) Italian Operatic Version   4) The Wagnerian Version

5) The Modern French Version     6) The Jazz Version  

A fantastic encore number or concert finale - suitable for most voices as the range is moderate with lowest note being "C" and the highest note is an "E" - the most challenging variation is the Italian Opera which requires a real ham and a good falsetto as the optional bravura embellishments soar to a high "C"