There's a Long Long Trail, Stoddard King & Zo Elliottt, high voice solo

There's a Long Long Trail, Stoddard King & Zo Elliottt, high voice solo, sheet music/songbook, out of print
$39.99 U.S.$

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There's a Long Long Trail, Stoddard King & Zo Elliottt, high voice solo, sheet music/songbook, out of print

1914 M. Witmarks & Sons

This out of print song is not available on download sites but is found on our site in the discontinued/collectible book, "Golden Anniversary Song Book", shown above........price is for the complete book

The book that contains this piece is a unique collection of hard to find WW I & WW II songs from a variety of publishers and copyright holders. The Royal Canadian Legion was authorized a very short run and only a few exist today. The asterisked tunes in the contents are not available on any download sites and are quite likely not included in any books currently on the market.