Xanadu, movie title song, Jeff Lynne, recorded by Olivia Newton-John & ELO

Xanadu, movie title song, Jeff Lynne, recorded by Olivia Newton-John & ELO, sheet music
Old price: $29.99
$12.00 U.S.$


this is not an original sheet - it is a high quality, full colour reprint of the original edition, printed on top grade paper - price has been adjusted accordingly

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Xanadu, movie title song, Jeff Lynne, recorded by Olivia Newton-John & ELO, sheet music

1980 Bradley Music

N.B. This edition is as originally published....a far superior version to what is currently available on download sites...it also has the added bonus of the cover photo of Olivia Newton-John

To save time & cost

A scanned copy of this song can be e-mailed for a total cost of $12.00 

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